use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::{consts::MINUTE, models::CtxData, utils::Extract, Context, Error}; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Extract)] pub struct Options { minutes: Option, seconds: Option, } pub async fn nudge(ctx: Context<'_>, options: Options) -> Result<(), Error> { let combined_time = options.minutes.map_or(0, |m| m * MINUTE as i64) + options.seconds.map_or(0, |s| s); if combined_time < i16::MIN as i64 || combined_time > i16::MAX as i64 { ctx.say("Nudge times must be less than 500 minutes").await?; } else { let mut channel_data = ctx.channel_data().await.unwrap(); channel_data.nudge = combined_time as i16; channel_data.commit_changes(&; ctx.say(format!("Future reminders will be nudged by {} seconds", combined_time)).await?; } Ok(()) } /// Nudge all future reminders on this channel by a certain amount (don't use for DST! See `/offset`) #[poise::command(slash_command, rename = "nudge", default_member_permissions = "MANAGE_GUILD")] pub async fn command( ctx: Context<'_>, #[description = "Number of minutes to nudge new reminders by"] minutes: Option, #[description = "Number of seconds to nudge new reminders by"] seconds: Option, ) -> Result<(), Error> { nudge(ctx, Options { minutes, seconds }).await }