use regex_command_attr::check; use serenity::{client::Context, model::channel::Channel}; use crate::{ framework::{CommandInvoke, CommandOptions, CreateGenericResponse, HookResult}, moderation_cmds, RecordingMacros, }; #[check] pub async fn guild_only( ctx: &Context, invoke: &mut CommandInvoke, _args: &CommandOptions, ) -> HookResult { if invoke.guild_id().is_some() { HookResult::Continue } else { let _ = invoke .respond( &ctx, CreateGenericResponse::new().content("This command can only be used in servers"), ) .await; HookResult::Halt } } #[check] pub async fn macro_check( ctx: &Context, invoke: &mut CommandInvoke, args: &CommandOptions, ) -> HookResult { if let Some(guild_id) = invoke.guild_id() { if args.command != moderation_cmds::MACRO_CMD_COMMAND.names[0] { let active_recordings =; let mut lock = active_recordings.write().await; if let Some(command_macro) = lock.get_mut(&(guild_id, invoke.author_id())) { if command_macro.commands.len() >= 5 { let _ = invoke .respond( &ctx, CreateGenericResponse::new().content("5 commands already recorded. Please use `/macro finish` to end recording."), ) .await; } else { command_macro.commands.push(args.clone()); let _ = invoke .respond( &ctx, CreateGenericResponse::new().content("Command recorded to macro"), ) .await; } HookResult::Halt } else { HookResult::Continue } } else { HookResult::Continue } } else { HookResult::Continue } } #[check] pub async fn check_self_permissions( ctx: &Context, invoke: &mut CommandInvoke, _args: &CommandOptions, ) -> HookResult { if let Some(guild) = invoke.guild(&ctx) { let user_id = ctx.cache.current_user_id(); let manage_webhooks = guild.member_permissions(&ctx, user_id).await.map_or(false, |p| p.manage_webhooks()); let (view_channel, send_messages, embed_links) = invoke .channel_id() .to_channel_cached(&ctx) .map(|c| { if let Channel::Guild(channel) = c { channel.permissions_for_user(ctx, user_id).ok() } else { None } }) .flatten() .map_or((false, false, false), |p| { (p.read_messages(), p.send_messages(), p.embed_links()) }); if manage_webhooks && send_messages && embed_links { HookResult::Continue } else { let _ = invoke .respond( &ctx, CreateGenericResponse::new().content(format!( "Please ensure the bot has the correct permissions: {} **View Channel** {} **Send Message** {} **Embed Links** {} **Manage Webhooks**", if view_channel { "✅" } else { "❌" }, if send_messages { "✅" } else { "❌" }, if manage_webhooks { "✅" } else { "❌" }, if embed_links { "✅" } else { "❌" }, )), ) .await; HookResult::Halt } } else { HookResult::Continue } } #[check] pub async fn check_guild_permissions( ctx: &Context, invoke: &mut CommandInvoke, _args: &CommandOptions, ) -> HookResult { if let Some(guild) = invoke.guild(&ctx) { let permissions = guild.member_permissions(&ctx, invoke.author_id()).await.unwrap(); if !permissions.manage_guild() { let _ = invoke .respond( &ctx, CreateGenericResponse::new().content( "You must have the \"Manage Server\" permission to use this command", ), ) .await; HookResult::Halt } else { HookResult::Continue } } else { HookResult::Continue } }