use async_trait::async_trait; use serenity::{ Result as SerenityResult, client::Context, framework::{ Framework, standard::CommandResult, }, model::{ id::ChannelId, guild::{ Guild, Member, }, channel::{ Channel, GuildChannel, Message, } }, futures::prelude::future::BoxFuture, }; use log::{ warn, error, debug, info, }; use regex::{ Regex, Match }; use std::{ collections::HashMap, fmt, }; use crate::{ models::ChannelData, SQLPool, }; type CommandFn = for<'fut> fn(&'fut Context, &'fut Message, String) -> BoxFuture<'fut, CommandResult>; #[async_trait] pub trait SendFromDb { async fn say_named(&self, ctx: &&Context, language: String, name: &str) -> SerenityResult; } struct Value { value: String, } #[async_trait] impl SendFromDb for ChannelId { async fn say_named(&self, ctx: &&Context, language: String, name: &str) -> SerenityResult { let pool = .get::().cloned().expect("Could not get SQLPool from data"); let row = sqlx::query_as!(Value, " SELECT value FROM strings WHERE (language = ? OR language = 'EN') AND name = ? ORDER BY language = 'EN' ", language, name) .fetch_one(&pool) .await .expect("No string with that name"); self.say(ctx, row.value).await } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum PermissionLevel { Unrestricted, Managed, Restricted, } pub struct Command { pub name: &'static str, pub required_perms: PermissionLevel, pub supports_dm: bool, pub can_blacklist: bool, pub func: CommandFn, } impl Command { async fn check_permissions(&self, ctx: &Context, guild: &Guild, member: &Member) -> bool { guild.member_permissions(&member.user).manage_guild() || match self.required_perms { PermissionLevel::Unrestricted => true, PermissionLevel::Managed => { let pool = .get::().cloned().expect("Could not get SQLPool from data"); match sqlx::query!(" SELECT role FROM roles INNER JOIN command_restrictions ON = command_restrictions.role_id WHERE command_restrictions.command = ? AND command_restrictions.guild_id = ( SELECT id FROM guilds WHERE guild = ? )",, .fetch_all(&pool) .await { Ok(rows) => { let role_ids = member.roles.iter().map(|r| *r.as_u64()).collect::>(); for row in rows { if role_ids.contains(&row.role) { return true } } false } Err(sqlx::Error::RowNotFound) => { false } Err(e) => { warn!("Unexpected error occurred querying command_restrictions: {:?}", e); false } } } PermissionLevel::Restricted => { false } } } } impl fmt::Debug for Command { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Command") .field("name", & .field("required_perms", &self.required_perms) .field("supports_dm", &self.supports_dm) .field("can_blacklist", &self.can_blacklist) .finish() } } // create event handler for bot pub struct RegexFramework { commands: HashMap, regex_matcher: Regex, dm_regex_matcher: Regex, default_prefix: String, client_id: u64, ignore_bots: bool, } impl RegexFramework { pub fn new(client_id: u64) -> Self { Self { commands: HashMap::new(), regex_matcher: Regex::new(r#"^$"#).unwrap(), dm_regex_matcher: Regex::new(r#"^$"#).unwrap(), default_prefix: String::from("$"), client_id, ignore_bots: true, } } pub fn default_prefix(mut self, new_prefix: &str) -> Self { self.default_prefix = new_prefix.to_string(); self } pub fn ignore_bots(mut self, ignore_bots: bool) -> Self { self.ignore_bots = ignore_bots; self } pub fn add_command(mut self, name: &str, command: &'static Command) -> Self { self.commands.insert(name.to_string(), command); self } pub fn build(mut self) -> Self { { let command_names; { let mut command_names_vec = self.commands .keys() .map(|k| &k[..]) .collect::>(); command_names_vec.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.len().cmp(&a.len())); command_names = command_names_vec.join("|"); } info!("Command names: {}", command_names); { let match_string = r#"^(?:(?:<@ID>\s+)|(?:<@!ID>\s+)|(?P\S{1,5}?))(?PCOMMANDS)(?:$|\s+(?P.*))$"# .replace("COMMANDS", command_names.as_str()) .replace("ID", self.client_id.to_string().as_str()); self.regex_matcher = Regex::new(match_string.as_str()).unwrap(); } } { let dm_command_names; { let mut command_names_vec = self.commands .iter() .filter_map(|(key, command)| { if command.supports_dm { Some(&key[..]) } else { None } }) .collect::>(); command_names_vec.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| b.len().cmp(&a.len())); dm_command_names = command_names_vec.join("|"); } { let match_string = r#"^(?:(?:<@ID>\s+)|(?:<@!ID>\s+)|(\$)|())(?PCOMMANDS)(?:$|\s+(?P.*))$"# .replace("COMMANDS", dm_command_names.as_str()) .replace("ID", self.client_id.to_string().as_str()); self.dm_regex_matcher = Regex::new(match_string.as_str()).unwrap(); } } self } } enum PermissionCheck { None, // No permissions Basic, // Send + Embed permissions (sufficient to reply) All, // Above + Manage Webhooks (sufficient to operate) } #[async_trait] impl Framework for RegexFramework { async fn dispatch(&self, ctx: Context, msg: Message) { async fn check_self_permissions(ctx: &Context, guild: &Guild, channel: &GuildChannel) -> Result> { let user_id = ctx.cache.current_user_id().await; let guild_perms = guild.member_permissions(user_id); let perms = channel.permissions_for_user(ctx, user_id).await?; let basic_perms = perms.send_messages() && perms.embed_links(); Ok(if basic_perms && guild_perms.manage_webhooks() { PermissionCheck::All } else if basic_perms { PermissionCheck::Basic } else { PermissionCheck::None }) } async fn check_prefix(ctx: &Context, guild: &Guild, prefix_opt: Option>) -> bool { if let Some(prefix) = prefix_opt { let pool = .get::().cloned().expect("Could not get SQLPool from data"); match sqlx::query!("SELECT prefix FROM guilds WHERE id = ?", .fetch_one(&pool) .await { Ok(row) => { prefix.as_str() == row.prefix } Err(sqlx::Error::RowNotFound) => { let _ = sqlx::query!("INSERT INTO guilds (guild, name) VALUES (?, ?)",, .execute(&pool) .await; prefix.as_str() == "$" } Err(e) => { warn!("Unexpected error in prefix query: {:?}", e); false } } } else { true } } // gate to prevent analysing messages unnecessarily if ( && self.ignore_bots) || msg.tts || msg.content.len() == 0 || msg.attachments.len() > 0 { return } // Guild Command else if let (Some(guild), Some(Channel::Guild(channel))) = (msg.guild(&ctx).await, { let member = guild.member(&ctx, &; if let Some(full_match) = self.regex_matcher.captures(&msg.content[..]) { if check_prefix(&ctx, &guild,"prefix")).await { debug!("Prefix matched on {}", msg.content); match check_self_permissions(&ctx, &guild, &channel).await { Ok(perms) => match perms { PermissionCheck::All => { let pool = .get::().cloned().expect("Could not get SQLPool from data"); let command = self.commands.get("cmd").unwrap().as_str()).unwrap(); let channel_data = ChannelData::from_channel(, pool).await; if !command.can_blacklist || !|c| c.blacklisted).unwrap_or(false) { let args ="args") .map(|m| m.as_str()) .unwrap_or("") .to_string(); if command.check_permissions(&ctx, &guild, &member).await { (command.func)(&ctx, &msg, args).await.unwrap(); } } } PermissionCheck::Basic => { let _ = msg.channel_id.say(&ctx, "Not enough perms").await; } PermissionCheck::None => { warn!("Missing enough permissions for guild {}",; } } Err(e) => { error!("Error occurred getting permissions in guild {}: {:?}",, e); } } } } } // DM Command else { if let Some(full_match) = self.dm_regex_matcher.captures(&msg.content[..]) { let command = self.commands.get("cmd").unwrap().as_str()).unwrap(); let args ="args") .map(|m| m.as_str()) .unwrap_or("") .to_string(); (command.func)(&ctx, &msg, args).await.unwrap(); } } } }