use chrono::Duration; use chrono_tz::Tz; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::{error, info, warn}; use num_integer::Integer; use regex::{Captures, Regex}; use serde::Deserialize; use serenity::{ builder::CreateEmbed, http::{CacheHttp, Http, StatusCode}, model::{ channel::{Channel, Embed as SerenityEmbed}, id::ChannelId, webhook::Webhook, }, Error, Result, }; use sqlx::{ types::{ chrono::{NaiveDateTime, Utc}, Json, }, Executor, }; use crate::Database; lazy_static! { pub static ref TIMEFROM_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r#"<\d+):(?P.+)?>>"#).unwrap(); pub static ref TIMENOW_REGEX: Regex = Regex::new(r#"<(?:\w|/|_)+):(?P.+)?>>"#).unwrap(); } fn fmt_displacement(format: &str, seconds: u64) -> String { let mut seconds = seconds; let mut days: u64 = 0; let mut hours: u64 = 0; let mut minutes: u64 = 0; for (rep, time_type, div) in [("%d", &mut days, 86400), ("%h", &mut hours, 3600), ("%m", &mut minutes, 60)].iter_mut() { if format.contains(*rep) { let (divided, new_seconds) = seconds.div_rem(&div); **time_type = divided; seconds = new_seconds; } } format .replace("%s", &seconds.to_string()) .replace("%m", &minutes.to_string()) .replace("%h", &hours.to_string()) .replace("%d", &days.to_string()) } pub fn substitute(string: &str) -> String { let new = TIMEFROM_REGEX.replace(string, |caps: &Captures| { let final_time ="time").unwrap().as_str(); let format ="format").unwrap().as_str(); if let Ok(final_time) = final_time.parse::() { let dt = NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(final_time, 0); let now = Utc::now().naive_utc(); let difference = { if now < dt { dt - Utc::now().naive_utc() } else { Utc::now().naive_utc() - dt } }; fmt_displacement(format, difference.num_seconds() as u64) } else { String::new() } }); TIMENOW_REGEX .replace(&new, |caps: &Captures| { let timezone ="timezone").unwrap().as_str(); println!("{}", timezone); if let Ok(tz) = timezone.parse::() { let format ="format").unwrap().as_str(); let now = Utc::now().with_timezone(&tz); now.format(format).to_string() } else { String::new() } }) .to_string() } struct Embed { title: String, description: String, image_url: Option, thumbnail_url: Option, footer: String, footer_url: Option, author: String, author_url: Option, color: u32, fields: Json>, } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct EmbedField { title: String, value: String, inline: bool, } impl Embed { pub async fn from_id( pool: impl Executor<'_, Database = Database> + Copy, id: u32, ) -> Option { let mut embed = sqlx::query_as!( Self, r#" SELECT `embed_title` AS title, `embed_description` AS description, `embed_image_url` AS image_url, `embed_thumbnail_url` AS thumbnail_url, `embed_footer` AS footer, `embed_footer_url` AS footer_url, `embed_author` AS author, `embed_author_url` AS author_url, `embed_color` AS color, IFNULL(`embed_fields`, '[]') AS "fields:_" FROM reminders WHERE `id` = ?"#, id ) .fetch_one(pool) .await .unwrap(); embed.title = substitute(&embed.title); embed.description = substitute(&embed.description); embed.footer = substitute(&embed.footer); embed.fields.iter_mut().for_each(|mut field| { field.title = substitute(&field.title); field.value = substitute(&field.value); }); if embed.has_content() { Some(embed) } else { None } } pub fn has_content(&self) -> bool { if self.title.is_empty() && self.description.is_empty() && self.image_url.is_none() && self.thumbnail_url.is_none() && self.footer.is_empty() && self.footer_url.is_none() && && self.author_url.is_none() && self.fields.0.is_empty() { false } else { true } } } impl Into for Embed { fn into(self) -> CreateEmbed { let mut c = CreateEmbed::default(); c.title(&self.title) .description(&self.description) .color(self.color) .author(|a| {; if let Some(author_icon) = &self.author_url { a.icon_url(author_icon); } a }) .footer(|f| { f.text(&self.footer); if let Some(footer_icon) = &self.footer_url { f.icon_url(footer_icon); } f }); for field in &self.fields.0 { c.field(&field.title, &field.value, field.inline); } if let Some(image_url) = &self.image_url { c.image(image_url); } if let Some(thumbnail_url) = &self.thumbnail_url { c.thumbnail(thumbnail_url); } c } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Reminder { id: u32, channel_id: u64, webhook_id: Option, webhook_token: Option, channel_paused: bool, channel_paused_until: Option, enabled: bool, tts: bool, pin: bool, content: String, attachment: Option>, attachment_name: Option, utc_time: NaiveDateTime, timezone: String, restartable: bool, expires: Option, interval_seconds: Option, interval_months: Option, avatar: Option, username: Option, } impl Reminder { pub async fn fetch_reminders(pool: impl Executor<'_, Database = Database> + Copy) -> Vec { sqlx::query_as_unchecked!( Reminder, " SELECT reminders.`id` AS id, channels.`channel` AS channel_id, channels.`webhook_id` AS webhook_id, channels.`webhook_token` AS webhook_token, channels.`paused` AS channel_paused, channels.`paused_until` AS channel_paused_until, reminders.`enabled` AS enabled, reminders.`tts` AS tts, reminders.`pin` AS pin, reminders.`content` AS content, reminders.`attachment` AS attachment, reminders.`attachment_name` AS attachment_name, reminders.`utc_time` AS 'utc_time', reminders.`timezone` AS timezone, reminders.`restartable` AS restartable, reminders.`expires` AS expires, reminders.`interval_seconds` AS 'interval_seconds', reminders.`interval_months` AS 'interval_months', reminders.`avatar` AS avatar, reminders.`username` AS username FROM reminders INNER JOIN channels ON reminders.channel_id = WHERE reminders.`utc_time` < NOW() ", ) .fetch_all(pool) .await .unwrap() .into_iter() .map(|mut rem| { rem.content = substitute(&rem.content); rem }) .collect::>() } async fn reset_webhook(&self, pool: impl Executor<'_, Database = Database> + Copy) { let _ = sqlx::query!( " UPDATE channels SET webhook_id = NULL, webhook_token = NULL WHERE channel = ? ", self.channel_id ) .execute(pool) .await; } async fn refresh(&self, pool: impl Executor<'_, Database = Database> + Copy) { if self.interval_seconds.is_some() || self.interval_months.is_some() { let now = Utc::now().naive_local(); let mut updated_reminder_time = self.utc_time; if let Some(interval) = self.interval_months { let row = sqlx::query!( // use the second date_add to force return value to datetime "SELECT DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD(?, INTERVAL ? MONTH), INTERVAL 0 SECOND) AS new_time", updated_reminder_time, interval ) .fetch_one(pool) .await .unwrap(); updated_reminder_time = row.new_time.unwrap(); } if let Some(interval) = self.interval_seconds { while updated_reminder_time < now { updated_reminder_time += Duration::seconds(interval as i64); } } if self.expires.map_or(false, |expires| { NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(updated_reminder_time.timestamp(), 0) > expires }) { self.force_delete(pool).await; } else { sqlx::query!( " UPDATE reminders SET `utc_time` = ? WHERE `id` = ? ", updated_reminder_time, ) .execute(pool) .await .expect(&format!("Could not update time on Reminder {}",; } } else { self.force_delete(pool).await; } } async fn force_delete(&self, pool: impl Executor<'_, Database = Database> + Copy) { sqlx::query!( " DELETE FROM reminders WHERE `id` = ? ", ) .execute(pool) .await .expect(&format!("Could not delete Reminder {}",; } async fn pin_message>(&self, message_id: M, http: impl AsRef) { let _ = http.as_ref().pin_message(self.channel_id, message_id.into(), None).await; } pub async fn send( &self, pool: impl Executor<'_, Database = Database> + Copy, cache_http: impl CacheHttp, ) { async fn send_to_channel( cache_http: impl CacheHttp, reminder: &Reminder, embed: Option, ) -> Result<()> { let channel = ChannelId(reminder.channel_id).to_channel(&cache_http).await; match channel { Ok(Channel::Guild(channel)) => { match channel .send_message(&cache_http, |m| { m.content(&reminder.content).tts(reminder.tts); if let (Some(attachment), Some(name)) = (&reminder.attachment, &reminder.attachment_name) { m.add_file((attachment as &[u8], name.as_str())); } if let Some(embed) = embed { m.set_embed(embed); } m }) .await { Ok(m) => { if { reminder.pin_message(, cache_http.http()).await; } Ok(()) } Err(e) => Err(e), } } Ok(Channel::Private(channel)) => { match channel .send_message(&cache_http.http(), |m| { m.content(&reminder.content).tts(reminder.tts); if let (Some(attachment), Some(name)) = (&reminder.attachment, &reminder.attachment_name) { m.add_file((attachment as &[u8], name.as_str())); } if let Some(embed) = embed { m.set_embed(embed); } m }) .await { Ok(m) => { if { reminder.pin_message(, cache_http.http()).await; } Ok(()) } Err(e) => Err(e), } } Err(e) => Err(e), _ => Err(Error::Other("Channel not of valid type")), } } async fn send_to_webhook( cache_http: impl CacheHttp, reminder: &Reminder, webhook: Webhook, embed: Option, ) -> Result<()> { match webhook .execute(&cache_http.http(), || reminder.restartable, |w| { w.content(&reminder.content).tts(reminder.tts); if let Some(username) = &reminder.username { w.username(username); } if let Some(avatar) = &reminder.avatar { w.avatar_url(avatar); } if let (Some(attachment), Some(name)) = (&reminder.attachment, &reminder.attachment_name) { w.add_file((attachment as &[u8], name.as_str())); } if let Some(embed) = embed { w.embeds(vec![SerenityEmbed::fake(|c| { *c = embed; c })]); } w }) .await { Ok(m) => { if { if let Some(message) = m { reminder.pin_message(, cache_http.http()).await; } } Ok(()) } Err(e) => Err(e), } } if self.enabled && !(self.channel_paused && self .channel_paused_until .map_or(true, |inner| inner >= Utc::now().naive_local())) { let _ = sqlx::query!( " UPDATE `channels` SET paused = 0, paused_until = NULL WHERE `channel` = ? ", self.channel_id ) .execute(pool) .await; let embed = Embed::from_id(pool,|e| e.into()); let result = if let (Some(webhook_id), Some(webhook_token)) = (self.webhook_id, &self.webhook_token) { let webhook_res = cache_http.http().get_webhook_with_token(webhook_id, webhook_token).await; if let Ok(webhook) = webhook_res { send_to_webhook(cache_http, &self, webhook, embed).await } else { warn!("Webhook vanished: {:?}", webhook_res); self.reset_webhook(pool).await; send_to_channel(cache_http, &self, embed).await } } else { send_to_channel(cache_http, &self, embed).await }; if let Err(e) = result { error!("Error sending {:?}: {:?}", self, e); if let Error::Http(error) = e { if error.status_code() == Some(StatusCode::from_u16(404).unwrap()) { error!("Seeing channel is deleted. Removing reminder"); self.force_delete(pool).await; } else { self.refresh(pool).await; } } else { self.refresh(pool).await; } } else { self.refresh(pool).await; } } else { info!("Reminder {} is paused",; self.refresh(pool).await; } } }