*`WEBHOOK_AVATAR` - accepts the name of an image file located in `$CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR/assets/` to be used as the avatar when creating webhooks. **IMPORTANT: image file must be 128x128 or smaller in size**
Reminder Bot by default looks for a venv within it's working directory to run Python out of. To set up a venv, install `python3-venv` and run `python3 -m venv venv`. Then, run `source venv/bin/activate` to activate the venv, and do `pip install dateparser` to install the required library
Reminder Bot reads a number of environment variables. Some are essential, and others have hardcoded fallbacks. Environment variables can be loaded from a .env file in the working directory.
__Required Variables__
*`DATABASE_URL` - the URL of your MySQL database (`mysql://user[:password]@domain/database`)
*`DISCORD_TOKEN` - your application's bot user's authorization token