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# SoundFX
A bot for managing sound effects in Discord.
## Installing
Download a .deb file from the releases and install with `sudo apt install ./soundfx_rs-a.b.c_arm64.deb`. You will also need a database set up. Install MySQL 8.
## Running & config
The bot is installed as a systemd service `soundfx-rs`. Use `systemctl start soundfx-rs` and `systemctl stop soundfx-rs` to respectively start and stop the bot.
Config options are provided in a file `/etc/soundfx-rs/default.env`
* `DISCORD_TOKEN`- your token (required)
* `DATABASE_URL`- your database URL (required)
* `MAX_SOUNDS`- specifies how many sounds a user should be allowed without having the `PATREON_ROLE` specified below
* `PATREON_GUILD`- specifies the ID of the guild being used for Patreon benefits
* `PATREON_ROLE`- specifies the role being checked for Patreon benefits
* `CACHING_LOCATION`- specifies the location in which to cache the audio files (defaults to `/tmp/`)
* `UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE`- specifies the maximum upload size to permit in bytes. Defaults to 2MB
## Building from source
When running from source, the config options above can be configured simply as environment variables.
Two options for building are offered. The first is easier.
### Build for local platform
1. Install build dependencies: `sudo apt install gcc gcc-multilib cmake ffmpeg libopus-dev pkg-config libssl-dev`
2. Install database server: `sudo apt install mysql-server-8.0`. Create a database called `soundfx`
3. Install Cargo and Rust from
4. Install SQLx CLI: `cargo install sqlx-cli`
5. From the source code directory, execute `sqlx migrate run`
6. Build with cargo: `cargo build --release`
### Build for other platform
By default, this builds targeting Ubuntu 20.04. Modify the Containerfile if you wish to target a different platform. These instructions are written using `podman`, but `docker` should work too.
1. Install container software: `sudo apt install podman`.
2. Install database server: `sudo apt install mysql-server-8.0`. Create a database called `soundfx`
3. Install SQLx CLI: `cargo install sqlx-cli`
4. From the source code directory, execute `sqlx migrate run`
5. Build container image: `podman build -t soundfx .`
6. Build with podman: `podman run --rm --network=host -v "$PWD":/mnt -w /mnt -e "DATABASE_URL=mysql://user@localhost/soundfx" soundfx cargo deb`